The Redeemed Man
The Redeemed Man
From ‘Emotional Insanity’ to Spiritual Security
Ben Peterson describes his upbringing as “emotionally insane”—a father with OCD and myriad addiction issues; a mother with borderline personality disorder; a constant parade of screaming matches. That, combined with the emotional scars of seeing combat duty in the Middle East with the Army, meant the deck was stacked against Ben in terms of ever forming healthy attachments with other people. But through introspection, close friends who weren’t just work buddies, and a commitment to the responsibilities God places on us as men, he was able to save his marriage from disaster and build healthier relationships. Ben talks with Nate Dewberry this week about unpacking our childhood traumas and why they make us the way we are, as well as spiritual warfare, the true purpose of marriage, and how his ministry, Engage Your Destiny, is helping soldiers and veterans deal with the traumas they’ve brought home from war.
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The Redeemed is an organization giving men from all backgrounds a supportive, judgment-free environment, grounded in Christian love without demanding participation in any faith tradition, where they can open up about their challenges, worries, and failures—and celebrate their triumphs over those struggles.
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